March 2021 Legislative Update

The following are current bills before the Maine State Legislature that have a connection to Emergency Management:


  • LD 12: An Act To Require Annual Information Reporting by the Maine Information and Analysis Center
  • LD 14: An Act To Require a Two-thirds Vote To Extend a State of Emergency
  • LD 28: An Act To Create an Alert System To Notify the Public When a Person with an Intellectual or Developmental Disability Is Missing
  • LD 131: An Act To Amend the Governor’s Emergency Powers
  • LD 182: An Act To Expand the Definition of “Essential Worker” To Include Retail and Food Service Workers
  • LD 285: An Act To Protect Utility Customers from Investor Risk for Costs Incurred Due to a Disaster
  • LD 429: An Act To Protect the Health of Students and Educators by Requiring the Establishment of Health and Safety Committees in School Administrative Units
  • LD 462: An Act To Reexamine the Relationship among County, Municipal and State Governments
  • LD 608: An Act Regarding the Governor’s Emergency Powers
  • LD 628: An Act To Protect Businesses and Civic and Religious Organizations from Actions Taken Pursuant to an Emergency Proclamation